Overview: What are we talking about?
As an alternative to refunding a customer for a cancelled booking, you have the option to credit the customer's account. This article reviews adding money to a customer's balance for a cancelled booking and how to apply a customer's balance to a future booking.
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- How do I Delete or Cancel a Booking?
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- Can I Add Deposits and Part Payments to Bookings?
How to: Add Money to a Customer's Balance
- When cancelling a booking that has an associated payment, users will automatically receive a popup prompt to handle the outstanding payments. Users have the option to either Credit Payments to the Account or Manage the Payments (this will direct users to the booking where the payment can either be refunded or credited to the account from there).
- If you choose the Manage Payments button on the popup to handle the payments on the cancelled booking, this will take you to the booking page, and you can choose how to refund the payment from there.
3. Once you have successfully applied the customer credit to the customer balance, the booking total reverts to the original amount.
- Please note that with cancelled bookings, the booking amount will display as "outstanding" if no further action is taken. This is a reflection of how much revenue would have been collected for that booking however, the “outstanding” amount does not show in the Outstanding Payments totals for the client nor on the Outstanding Payments report.
- If you want to truly zero out the invoice, you can use a Special Rate of $0.00 (*if you do not have an existing Special Rate of Zero built out in your application, go to Account Settings >> Services & Costs >> Special Rates >> click 'Add a new special rate')
4. Save booking.
How to: Use/Apply a Customer's Balance to a booking
The customer balance will now display on the customer's profile as well as on the online booker.
When a customer has a usable balance, you can select Customer Credit Balance from payment types drop down in the Costs section of the booking to use the balance as a payment option.
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