Overview: What are we talking about?
This guide will provide an alternative way to create a Top Spenders Report using tools within your Revelation Pets app. This guide will teach you how to generate a report identifying top spenders using data within Revelation Pets. Below you will discover how to export payment data from the booking report, create a PivotTable in Excel, and sort the data to reveal customers who have made the highest payments within a specified date range.
This article includes:
Related Articles:
- Guide to Reports in Revelation Pets
- How to Generate a Custom Report for Customer Lifetime Spending (Alternative)
Create a Top Spenders Report Using Excel
1. Export your data to Excel
Navigate to the Booking Report >> filter by desired date range >> sort by “Paid” >> click “Go” >> click “Tools” >> select “Export to Excel”.
2. Creating a Pivot Table in Excel
Once your data file is exported to Excel, click “Insert” >> “Table” >> click “OK”.
Using the “Table” tab, select “Summarize with PivotTable” >> click “OK”.
In the next view, you will create your PivotTable.
From your options in “PivotTable Fields”, tick “Customer” as your “Rows” value, and tick “Monies Received” as your sum value.
You should now have a data set displaying the total amount of payments you have received per customer for the date range you exported.
You can then further sort this data by “Largest to Smallest” – these customers are your Top Spenders!
Our Support Team is available (support@revelationpets.com) to assist with any additional questions.
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