Overview: What are we talking about?
Revelation Pets offers a daycare credit function, as well as recurring subscription credit packs. Offering daycare credits is a great way to get upfront revenue into your business while offering your customers a bit of a discount on your daycare service.
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Daycare Credits
Your pet parents can buy daycare credit packs and pay for each daycare date by credit rather than using an available payment type. This feature is available to all Revelation Pets customers.
To set up your credit packs, navigate to Account Settings » Services & Costs » Daycare Credits » tick the box next to "Enable daycare credits".
Please note: There are two settings for how you can apply daycare credits to a booking - 1) per booking or 2) per day. In most cases, "per day" is selected for businesses. Selecting "per day" will allow more flexible if you have a booking with multiple daycare dates.
Next, click the "Add a new credit pack" button and configure your credit pack option(s). Repeat as needed if you offer multiple credit pack options.
How to Sell Your Daycare Credit Packs
How to Apply a Daycare Credit to a Booking
Recurring Daycare Credit Pack Subscriptions
Customers signed up for integrated payment processing through Rev Pets Payments have the ability to set up daycare credit pack subscriptions, allowing you to automatically sell credit packs on a set interval, saving time, and creating recurring revenue for your business. Your pet parents will be charged a recurring amount with a card on file.
Please note: As with regular daycare credit packs, subscription credits cannot be used against boarding, appointments, or group training class bookings, only daycare.
Setting Up Your Subscriptions
To set up your subscription credit packs, navigate to Account Settings » Services & Costs » Daycare Credits and enable the setting to "Enable Credit Pack Subscriptions."
Please note: This feature is only available for businesses that are signed up for integrated payment processing through Rev Pets Payments. Learn more about Rev Pets Payments here.
Once enabled, you will need to refresh the page, and then you can add a subscription status to an existing credit pack or create an entirely new one.
How to Sell a Subscription Credit Pack
After the setup is complete, Navigate to a customer's profile » click "Daycare Credits".
You’ll see a section on the pet parent’s profile under the "Credits" section to enroll them in a new subscription.
Select the type of credit pack, the frequency for renewal, optionally enter an end date, and select which card on file to use for the subscription.
Please note: With present-day functionality, subscriptions can only be purchase on the business side of the software. Pet parents cannot enroll themselves into a daycare credit pack subscription via the online booker.
Once a subscription credit pack purchase is complete, there are multiple actions that can be taken from the Payments Report namely, sending the invoice to QuickBooks or Xero (if integrated), sending the pet parent a receipt, or providing a full or partial refund.
To view the invoice, you can click the View Invoice link in the Invoice ID column and you will be taken to a simple invoice view. Here, you can send the invoice to Quickbooks or to Xero (if integrated).
You can also process a full or partial refund on the credit pack subscription by clicking the Refund button. You will be prompted to enter the amount that you’d like to refund, as well as the number of credits to return. The number of credits refunded will be removed from the pet parent's account.
Cancelling a Subscription
To cancel a subscription, navigate to the Pet Parent's profile » click Daycare Credits » click on the Active badge to cancel the subscription.
Subscriptions Report
Navigate to the Reports tab » Subscriptions.
This report will provide the business an overview of all subscriptions created. Users can see all payments for the subscription by clicking on the Money icon in the right-hand column, and can also click the Cancel icon to cancel a subscription if needed directly from the report.
The Subscription Report can also be sorted by the "Status" dropdown as well as printed, saved as a PDF, or exported to Excel using the "Tools" dropdown.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our Support Team at support@revelationpets.com.
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